
Glory of the Cross-Isaiah 53:10-12

Glory of the Cross-Isaiah 53:10-12

Okay, I have to do it again!I have to quote today’s entry from «Take My Heart, Oh God,» it is so wonderful!Here it is, verbatim:

«Few of us would voluntarily ask for a cup of suffering.Most of us get one anyway.

We are not alone.The cup of suffering has been drunk by generations of saints before us.Suffering is the very cup Jesus willingly accepted in life and in death.When we drink from the cup, we can allow the bitter aftertaste of suffering to overwhelm us, or we can have faith that God can use that suffering to transform us.

Take the cup of suffering you hold in your hands today and bring it to God.Sit at the foot of the cross.Think of your Savior there, willingly dying so that you could be saved.

Through your pain and the faith you show in the midst of it, you are lifting up your crucified Savior to the rest of the world.Others see in you the glory of Christ’s cross.»

Read Isaiah 53:10-12

End of quote from «Take My Heart, Oh God.»

This page states the purpose of suffering so well, I have little to add.I do want to suggest that rather than just reading the few verses from Isaiah 53, read the entire chapter of 53 and see the prophecy of Jesus written thousands of years before His birth.Incredible!

Lord, help us to take to heart what we just read.


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