
I have bad teeth; is it too late to do something about it?

I have bad teeth; is it too late to do something about it? I have bad teeth, as a result of poor personal dental care and a lack of dental insurance.I live in an area where I must pay cash up-front or have insurance to see a dentist, neither of which I can afford.I have a few cavities, and 2 teeth that have broken (one of which I was told at my only visit to the dentist here needs a root canal, but he won't do it due to lack of insurance).They are discolored, and I'm tired of having bad teeth.I realize that I should have been taking better care of them all along, but at this point, what are my options at home to prevent further problems?
if your old enough, i think you should get a job and try to pay for it yourself, if your family won't help you.Try to brush your teeth and floss becasue thats the most important thing if you can't afford a dentist and also don't eat so much sugarry stufff.If you have that bad of teeth i really recommend you trying to do something about it becasue it might effect your wh*le mouth and turn into something relaly serious like your teeth may start falling out and you can have gum disease and thats really bad.Just try and find a way to go to a dentist, it may not be too late.

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