
7 Links Challenge

7 Links Challenge

Nancy over at Spirit Lights The Way recently participated in the 7 links challenge and invited me (and twenty or so other bloggers) to join in.В  I normally sit on the sidelines and enjoy reading others’ picks.В  However, I’m procrastinating on a couple of projects right now, so I thought it was the perfect time to accept the invitation.В  Hey, painting baseboards and writing an emotional short story will wait another day, right?

Last night, I read enough of my old blog posts that I have an even deeper appreciation for those who regularly visit and comment.В  I don’t have the most relevant posts in the world, but I’m so glad you come back anyway.В  Thank you :)

1)В В В В В A Beautiful Post:В  Think Like A Child

2)В В В В  A Popular Post:В  What a Caesar Salad Taught Me About Writing

Making a Caesar salad with horseradish and serving it to the owner of the restaurant I worked at ended up teaching me 5 things about writing (and life in general.)

3)В В В В В A Helpful Post:В В You Talkin’ To Me?(Dialogue in Fiction) & You Still Talkin’ To Me?(More Dialogue in Fiction)

Last fall, I took a manuscript writing cla*s.В In a pair of posts done in January, I shared some of the great information I learned about dialogue.

4)В В В В В A Controversial Post:В  Lies We Tell Ourselves

5)В В В В В A Surprisingly Successful Post:В  What Does Mortification at a Job Interview Have to Do With Writing, Anyway?

I got more than I bargained for when I shared the embarra*sing story of my first job interview.В  Meant to be a laugh for my handful of readers, it garnered a wider audience when it was Freshly Pressed.В  It was a blushing good time!

6)В В В В  A Post That Didn’t Get The Attention It Deserved:В  Hidden Talent

7)В В В В В A Favorite Post:В  It’s (Not) All About Me

On the 1 year anniversary of my blog, I shared seven things I discovered about myself and my blogging journey.В  It’s my journey, but it’s not all about me.

Your turn!В  This is an open invitation to anyone who made it through this post.В  I would love to see what you do with the seven link challenge.В  If you only have time for a couple links, that’s good enough for me!

If you want to join the fun, choose posts you have done which fit into the above categories (or make up your own if they don’t fit.)В  In your new post, link back to your selected category posts and leave a link to your new post in a comment below.В  Don’t forget to name other bloggers you’d like to participate!(Or you can cop out, like I did ;) )

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