
Raindrop for Kids

Raindrop for Kids We all know that children love to play and have fun.They are also good at exchanging germs.With summer coming to a close and school just around the corner, there will be greater opportunity for them to pick up germs.They get them on the playground, in the cla*sroom, and from other children.So what can parents and grandparents do to strengthen their children?I suggest giving them the wonderful benefits of If you have any concerns about using essential oils on children, try the oils on their feet first.Be sure to follow individual label instructions and dilute oils with when using topically.Follow-up the initial application to the feet with a light application to the back as indicated below.Keep an eye out for reddening of the skin and let the child know to tell you if he or she feels any burning or discomfort.If this happens, you can easily add Vв

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