
Exercise: The X-Factor of Weight Loss and Management

Exercise: The X-Factor of Weight Loss and Management Most people in the UK would be familiar with the popular reality singing contest on television called the X-Factor.В The idea behind the show is that there are singers and performers in the UK who are special, who have what it takes to be superstars, they have the X-Factor.В It is one of the most successful shows on UK television with the highest viewing ratings of all shows.В Many people audition to make the show, some with lots of talent and others with no talent at all, but everyone who enters wants to show that they have that X-Factor, that winning edge, that something different.When it comes to weight loss and weight management, we are all aware of the importance of a healthy diet, however, to be really successful, there is no greater tool available than exercise,В exerciseВ is the X-FactorВ of weight loss and management.В Exercise gives us that edge, that something extra.One of the main benefits from exercise from a weight loss/management perspective is that that doing any form of exercise burns extra calories and body fat.В To lose weight, we need to burn more calories than our body consumes.Any moderate exercise can help shift those extra pounds as our body needs extra energy to complete our exercise routine and will often turn to our greatest fuel supply (body fat) to give it energy it needs to complete our exercise routine.В This means a reduction in body fat and overall weight.Let's be honest, everyone wants to look good.В We all want a leaner, moreВ attractiveВ physique.В Exercise is the key toВ reshapingВ our body.В We get firmer muscle tone, our clothes fit and look better, we feel more confident in front of the mirror, we can reduce or remove that "saggy bus", those "bingo-wings" those "moobs (man-boobs)", and that "flabby belly".В Exercise does this by firming and toning the muscles under our skin and this gives us a firmer, leaner look.Exercise is an excellent way to improve your overall mental health.В Research has shown that exercise can help you manage stress, reduce your anxiety, and even help with depression.В When you exercise you release anВ endorphin'sВ known as adrenaline, serotonin and dopamine.В TheseВ endorphin'sВ control your feelings and elevated levels of these make you feel good.В Exercise also reduces the stress hormone cortisol, and this helps keep your stress level under control.Physical exercise keeps your bones, joints and muscles strong.В This is essential for good health.В Stronger bones, joints and muscles keep us mobile, healthier and less dependent on others,В particularlyВ as we get older.В Weight bearing exercises in particular help to promote and develop bone density which can help prevent problems in later life such asВ osteoporosis (which affects both men and women).В Research has also shown that exercise can help with other conditions such as digestion, lower back pain, posture, sleeplessness, and diabetes.What kind of exercise should you be doing and for how long?В In future blogs, I will be covering different types of exercises and highlighting the pros and cons of most of the more common forms of exercise.В The important thing for now is to start being more active.В Most of us live sedentary lives with little or no physical exercise built into our day, and this is one of the main causes for the high obesity rates in the UK today.В Engaging in any form of exercise is therefore better than nothing at all, andВ you don't necessarily need to join a gym or health club.В В Taking the stairs rather than the lift, walking to the shops or work rather than driving, some brisk walking with the dog, some gardening or even playing with your children at the park or in the garden are all simple and affordable ways of becoming more active.The UK government's health department would recommend a minimum of 30 minutes of moderate exercise per day to improve your overall health.В This could be broken down into 3x 10 minute sessions or even 6 x 5 minutes, as long as you feel slightly out of breath, you will feel the benefits.
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