i have lotsa things to talk about here ) i’mma tell you all about it but it’ll be as brief as possible as to not get that draggy and boring anymore.:))
first off, Showtime’s FACE DANCING
oh my gooooood, i so love and get entertained how they do face dancing ) i think it’s their original concept though, i don’t really know but i die laughing when i see one of them doing it, check this one out
he’s rico the magician from Pilipinas Got Talent and he was invited as guest judge for Showtime and apparently been challenged to do a very hilarious face dance
too bad he got eliminated as judge just this week T_T
so, another thing i’m gonna tell you, is my organic chemistry exam tomorrow which i’m always ranting here.this week, i studied for 2 nights for that subject because i’m looking forward to a debut party that Saturday and i don’t want some shitty organic chemistry messing up my party.well, i did study but when i looked at some problems that covered the scope of the exam, i just died and thought that maybe i didn’t really study at all T_T i’m scared, super, because my teacher constantly repeats to us that the first exam is gonna be the easiest chem exam ever and when we fail the first, we won’t pa*s the succeeding exams, AND I DON’T WANT THAT TO HAPPEEEEEEN
but look at me, home after the party, slept for a while in the morning, watched hell’s kitchen in the afternoon then attended a ma*s at 6pm and still typing here, not studied the wh*le day yeah, go me
) so please, wish me luck.i begged the Lord to help me because i tried to and don’t worry, later i’mma get my head down my books and review till i die.
btw, tomorrow’s my exam at 7pm.i still have a cla*s early tomorrow morning, 7am so i shouldn’t sleep too late
another story is, i really enjoyed watching hell’s kitchen today, it made me say SHUT THE FUCK UP CHEF or YOU STUPID CONTESTANT YOU SHOULDN’T BE THERE or something..:)) well, it’s all dear’s fault i got so curious how entertaining that show is because he always watches it whenever he goes back home
and lastly, and my saddest post ever, HAM WILL GO TO BEIJING, CHINA THIS WEEK AND I JUST WANNA /WRIST (
well yeah, tell me it’s just three or four days..YES THREE TO FOUR FREAKING CRAPPY DAAAAAAAAAAAYS (
i won’t wake up with a good morning dear text for 3-4 days, i couldn’t rant to someone about anything i see or do for those 3-4 damn days..i can’t constantly remind and ask him if he ate already or something for 3-4 crappy days!i can’t virtually cuddle and do childish thingies with him for 3-4 effin days, i can’t text him til i sleep and greet him a good night and have sweet dreams for 3-4 hellish days and most of all
yes, i know it totally sucks but i shouldn’t hold him back school requirement and such..but daaaaamn..we’re miles away for 90% of a week and now we’re countries away for 100% of this week!
and this was supposed to be my hell day because i have lots of a*signments, 3 exams coming up, parties that i need to prepare for and now this, longing for him and being uninspired for the rest of the days he’s gone T_T
i wanna cryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy (
order of events pictures
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